Mater: A week of firsts

Posted by Mater , Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:11 PM

Well, my darling Avocado Jnr, you got off to a bit of a bumpy start, but since Mater and Pater brought you home on Monday 5th October, you've been having the time of your life. Sleeping, eating, pooing, changing outfits, pooing some more. It's been a rollercoaster of fun!

The week began with the ceremonious First Bath. Grandma offered to help out (Mater and Pater were a little bit apprehensive of your slippery skin). The excitement was too much for you; one minute everyone was marvelling that you were the next Michael Phelps (stay off drugs), the next an explosion. Obviously Pater captured this on video...

Thankfully the second attempt was a lot more successful.

You also made your First Apperance in the Crib. Mater's not sure what's more amazing, your ability to stare at your mobile for hours on end, or our ability to stare at you (staring at your mobile) for hours on end. I say "our". The truth is that after a couple of minutes, Pater's trigger finger got itchy and he "had to capture the moment"...

You also went on your First Walk. Not much to report on that "First" other than that Mater was very happy to get out and see people and shops again. For reasons unknown to Mater, Pater told everyone he knows to buy shares in Starbucks, Banana Republic, ToyRUs and several other stores...

Later in the week we packed you and half the apartment up for your First Sleepover at Grandma Toronto and Grandpa Toronto. Pater complained about having a sore back from carrying everything but that got little sympathy from Mater! After a long, enjoyable, hectic week, we could all relax. Well, you, Mater and Pater could. Grandma Toronto and Grandpa Toronto were busy on Avocado Jnr duty...

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